
Pregnancy Loss

  • Approximately 15-20% of confirmed pregnancies end in miscarriage.
  • In the US, the rate of stillbirth is documented as 1 in 160-200 pregnancies.
  • In the US, the rates of SIDS affects between 5,000-7,000 infants every year.
  • In the US, approximately 11,300 infants die within 24 hours of their birth each year.

Losing a baby, whether it be early or late in pregnancy, is one of the most devastating experiences.  The excitement, joy, and future plans you had envisioned have been replaced by by a bewildering sense of sadness and even shock.  You want your baby back and the pain has become so great that living your daily life has become difficult.

You may be feeling:

  • Grief and mourning

  • Overwhelming sorrow and sadness

  • Guilt

  • Preoccupation with what you think you did "wrong"

  • Anger

  • Loss of spirituality 

  • Hopeless ness

  • Anxious and fearful about getting pregnant again

  • Distressed by memories of the physical loss

  • Alone 

  • Feeling like no one understands

  • Exhaustion

  • Shock and numb, including difficulty concentration

  • Tension in your marriage or relationship

  • Suicidal (including thoughts of suicide or wanting to be with your baby)

Family Hearth Therapy is one of the few practices in the San Fernando Valley that specialize in pregnancy loss.  No matter when you experienced your miscarriage or endured the emotionally painful delivery of a stillborn, therapy can help you cope with the myriad of emotions, and return the sense of peace and happiness you've lost; building hope for the future while honoring what you've been through.